1/03/MMXIX - Welcome to the Great Onion Knighthood. I am your host, Lord Councilor Atheme Tethen.
Today, on January 3rd, 2019, our first novel in the Daemon's Song trilogy, Kargaroth, has released in print and on Kindle ebook. Read more about it here. It's been a long time coming, but it's finally here! Thank you to all of those who have stood by us and with us through the years, and thank you to all newcomers to our epic fantasy world.
Speaking of, we now have shiny new forums. While we hope this will one day be a place of discussion for anything and everything related to the Great Onion Knighthood, it is currently a relaxed social gathering. Feel free to join and discuss whatever topic pleases you. We have specialized sections for the Onion Knights, video games, and general social discourse. As we get more users, we might add more sections. Signup is quick and painless, and we now use a unified login for both our main site and our forums.For newcomers to the site, this is a repository of information related to our novels, the Daemon's Song trilogy. We've tried to cover a wide variety of topics related to all aspects of the Knighthood, so there should be plenty of interesting material to see. Sadly, most of the information is related to Kargaroth, with Arkalen and Vaelius being fairly under-represented. Don't worry, we intend to fix that soon. As always, if there's anything you want to see, just visit our forums and make a request. We'll comply as soon as we're able.
One of our more amazing side projects is OKP, or the Onion Knight Project. Using a program called FFHackster, as well as the programming and hex altering skills of Abaddon Daemon and Cyprus Galahe, we gutted Final Fantasy I and remade it in the Onion Knight's image. Play as any of 6 Grand Councilors or their clones in a quest to defeat the Elemental Fiends and prevent the revival of the Dark God Chaos. Featuring graphics ripped from other Final Fantasys (or occasionally customized) and all new enemies, maps, and treasure allocations, the game plays completely differently than the first FF. If you have an NES emulator, give it a run!
This isn't the end of the work being done on the site. Hopefully over the next few weeks, it'll be updated with new content, more information, and generally more awesome Onion Knightness. Please be patient, as we're busy people, but we're working at it.

Knight of the Heavens
Peco is copyright Capcom and used out of loving respect for inspiring us to love onions (please also don't sue us.)